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  • اولین کنگره سالیانه صنعت سیم و کابل و صنایع وابسته01
  • اولین کنگره سالیانه صنعت سیم و کابل و صنایع وابسته- 14 و15 تیرماه 1401-02
  • اولین کنگره سالیانه صنعت سیم و کابل و صنایع وابسته- 14 و15 تیرماه 1401
  • ااولین کنگره سالیانه صنعت سیم و کابل و صنایع وابسته- 14 و15 تیرماه 1401
  • اولین کنگره سالیانه صنعت سیم و کابل و صنایع وابسته- 14 و15 تیرماه 1401
  • اولین کنگره سالیانه صنعت سیم و کابل و صنایع وابسته- 14 و15 تیرماه 1401
  • اولین کنگره سالیانه صنعت سیم و کابل و صنایع وابسته- 14 و15 تیرماه 1401


The association offers the following services to the members by contributions and cooperation's of the member producers:

  1. Collection and dissemination of information and records of the members and their activities, to the same extent they submit these information and records
  2. Collecting and dissemination of records and information of the relevant projects of the country as well as dissemination of circulars, codes of practice, instructions and other relevant publications amongst the members of the association
  3. Collecting of attitudes and ideas of the colleagues and reflecting them to the authorities of the country so that the desired conclusion of obtained on the basis of the benefits and of the members also the improvement of corporeal and professional status of the members
  4. Holding conferences, seminars, specialized training courses, publication of the Society's Journal, Bulletin and other publications for the ultimate aim of information dissemination and upgrading of the knowledge level of the managers and personnel of the member companies.
  5. Encouragement of the member companies towards upgrading the quality their products following the relevant standards
  6. Investigation and solving the disputes of the members or with other individuals who have problems regarding and within a contract